In Memoriam
29/10/1924 (Lwow-Lemberg) - 28/7/1998 (Warsaw)
Two Poems translated by Roman Turovsky and Sean Monagle
Mr. Cogito's Soul
we know from history
she'd leave the body
when the heart stoppedat the last breath
she'd go off
to heavenly pasturesMr. Cogito's soul
behaves in a different wayshe leaves his living body
without a parting wordfor months for years she's a guest
on other continents
beyond his boundsit is not easy to find her address
she doesn't report her whereaboutsshe avoids contacts
writes no lettersIt is not known when she'll come back
maybe she's left him foreverMr.Cogito wants to overcome
his base feelings of jealousyhe thinks well of his soul
he thinks of her tenderlyperhaps she must live
in other bodies as wellthe number of souls
is insufficient for Mankind anywayMr.Cogito accepts his destiny
he has no alternativehe thinks of his soul with feeling
with a tender solicitudeand when all of a sudden
she returns
he doesn't greet her with the words
-it is good you are backHe just watches out of the corner of his eye
how she sits by the mirror
and combs her hair
-tangled and gray
Translated by Roman Turovsky and Sean Monagle
The Poet
He's no angel
he is a poethe has no wings
just has a feathered
right handhe beats the air with it
levitates by three spans
and falls promptlywhen he is almost alighted
pushes away with his legs
hovers for an instant
waves the feathered handoh if he only could overcome the pull of the clay
he could live in the nest of the stars
he could jump from ray to ray
if he only could -but the stars
at the mere thought
of being his earth
fall off in mortal frightthe poet covers his eyes
with his feathered hand
dreams no more of flight
dreams of fall
that like a lightning draws
infinity's profile
Translated by Roman Turovsky and Sean Monagle